Saturday, April 17
Writing SOAP Notes
My teachers and classmates were amazed on how I do my SOAP notes. They've been praising my papers, for the attention to detail were really evident. Dapat lang no! Three years in SOAP-writing, hundreds of initial evaluations and re-evaluations, countless revisions, and horrifying SOAP exams, of course I'll be (sort of) a pro in writing notes. Actually it was a surprise to me when I found out that they're not that keen in examining the nitty-gritty details on our notes. The day we passed our first SOAP, you should have seen my paper compared to the other students'. Mine was immaculately clean and printed out with all the proper format and everything. My classmates' however, were handwritten in paper obviously ripped from a notebook. No, I'm not boasting or anything. It was just... I don't know... weird I guess. After CAMP and its rigorous training, I find it difficult to believe that OCC is not as intense. It's like it's not a concern at this time, that writing these notes is problem 11 in a problem list of 10, that it's actually not a part of a problem list, and that it's not part of their plan to teach us how to do it. Not that I'm complaining. In fact, I find it enjoyable -- writing notes without the fear of failing the subject just because you didn't include drooling as part of your problem list. From what I observe, OCC's main concern is the practical and theoretical side of the health care profession -- something CAMP did not reiterate as much. I guess from OCC's point of view, writing excellent SOAP notes is not a requirement, just a plus point.
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