loryces online
Random clicks ahead!

Wow. A rating for your blog. Hmm now where to put this?

What rating is your journal?

brought to you by Quizilla

Another net find -- this one is hilarious -- Octodog's Frankfurter Converter. Hehe cute. LOL.

And yikes! Here's another blogging software -- this one with a lot of nifty features, not free nga lang -- TypePad. Me want an account here. Oh yeah, and a domain name please. But first have to work muna.

And nope. I AM NOT BORED. I just ran out of things to blog about. So here I am, pestering my readers (readers???) with nonsensical links. But hey bear with me. When you don't have a job (or anything to do for that matter), you run out of things to write about so in the end, you have to resort to desperate measures (read: link-a-hopping).

BTW, happy birthday!

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