loryces online

Fourth of July celebration today. Went to see the parade. Lots of goodies and freebies for children, as well as for adults. Amusement rides and playkits, free meals, kiddie games -- these are just some of the things I saw during the celebration for Independence day. I would have taken some pictures so I could show you guys how Independence Day is celebrated here but alas, I didn't have a digicam then. Anyway at 7pm we went to this high school baseball field and waited for the fireworks display to begin. But before that, let me just tell you that I bought my digicam that afternoon -- that's why I wasn't able to take pictures of the parade but of the fireworks instead. Yep you read it right. Hehe. I just hope my mom and aunt won't see this or else, I'm good as dead. Here are some pics I took during the wait for the event:

And here are pictures of the fireworks itself, these ones taken with a 3D sunglasses (hence the additional rainbow lights hehe):

And these are the ones seen by my naked eye:

Ganda noh! I should have bought a SD/MMD card so I could at least capture even a 15-sec video clip of the whole display. Ah well, at least I was able to take some pictures. ('Twas hard watching the display at the same time sneaking to take some pictures when you're not supposed to have a camera. Hehe.)

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