loryces online

Scared to Death

I'm going to enroll tomorrow. I feel scared and excited and anxious. I mean I don't think Nursing is for me but due to unavoidable circumstances, I am now taking this course. I don't know what to expect. I don't know what to do. I'm pressured to go through with it, to finish it, and (horrors!) to graduate with honors, or at least among the top 10 or something. A big part of me is wanting to rebel and drop from the course, especially now that I finally know what I would like to do (oo, ngayon lang). But thinking about my parents and my siblings I know my dreams would have to be put on hold. I also have to think about my aunt and all the work she has gone through just to help me out. If I bail then all of our efforts will be for naught. Oh well I think waiting would do me wonders... I hope. I know good things will come/happen to those who wait.

BTW I remember this instance, my aunt got a mail from the University of Phoenix regarding an online course of the Nursing program (Bachelor's degree). I was really interested about it. I mean Nursing is one course that involves more of hands-on techniques rather than just merely theory. I got interested with the online thing, not the course itself. I just hope my aunt won't get the wrong idea that I'm really interested being a nurse. Not that I have anything against nurses. It's just that I guess it's not my thing. Besides I'm scared to death of needles and blood.

Random thought for the day:
One of my instructors before wrote this down in the whiteboard:

C is for the element carbon and the arrows signifies pressure. He told us that we are like carbon. When subjected to enough pressure, it becomes a diamond. I hope to God I'll be a diamond someday.

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