loryces online
Got time?

If you do, visit Subservient Chicken. Mind you, it's a bit creepy. Imagine having this online creepy chicken obey all your commands (except of course for kinky ones). I spent my afternoon having him clap, jump, do cartwheels, run around, act crazy, play dead, and lay eggs. Talk about weird.

La talagang magawa eh.

1 comment(s):
At 12:14 AM, Blogger David L. Nelson commented...

Initially I found the chicken to be intriguing, disturbing, and wonderful. However, due to my short attention span the chicken ultimately became infuriating as she would not do the bizarre things I wanted her to do. (I assume its a she as if it were female, it would be a rooster, right?) Anyway, the only thing between me and making my own truly interactive subservient chicken website is a guy in a chicken suit. It wouldn't be the first bizarre website I spawned, after all, I did convince my friend to buy LesbiansForBush.US
Rock on.


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