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Random Thoughts Part 2

I chickened out... again. It's my uncle's turn to have a bad temper. I guess Christmas goes hand in hand with stress and bad temper. I might have a chance in watching TTT but it's after the 25th. I don't think I can wait any longer, though. I'm amusing myself with a number of TTT previews I downloaded from the Internet. Of course, it's not enough to satisfy my LOTR cravingssss. But I guess they'll do. They HAVE to.


Took some TOEFL practice tests lately. I think I did just good. My lowest score though belongs to the Listening Part. I have this tendency to daydream in the middle of the passage, or as my friend used to say, I space out. Have to correct this since it's a big chunk of the test. As part of correcting myself to concentrate, I'd better start with listening and paying attention to the Gospel and Homily. Everytime I go to mass, I never fail to space out during the said parts.


I finally made my Star Wars Christmas e-card. Unfortunately, I didn't meet the deadline to the Star Wars Philippines Christmas E-card Contest. Blame it on procrastination or whatever. But me, I blame it on fear. I feared that somebody might laugh or sneer at my work. I feared that it might be booted out of the contest. I feared (and still do) humiliation. But mostly, I fear failure. It's very pathetic actually. Imagine getting scared of a little contest, when all I should be doing is having fun.

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