Been a bad and lazy bloggist lately. But what can I do? I was with my other aunt for the past days and it wasn't what you call a bed-of-roses kinda atmosphere. Quite the opposite really... well most of the time. And now I'm staying for the week again. Siyeeet.

Hay ayoko na ha!
Haven't called my mom yet. I think one month has passed since I last called her. Wasn't in the mood to talk to her. She wrote me a letter and it wasn't a bit uplifting. Annoying perhaps. I know I'm being impossible but I don't have any inclination to talk to her... not this week though. But I probably will. Tomorrow maybe. I kinda miss my sister and brother. I almost forgot that tomorrow's my brother's graduation day. Yay! Congrats bro!

Time sure flies. He'll be in college soon. My sister, on the other hand, is in Romblon for her on-the-job-training. O di ba bongga!! I'll probably call her when I'm in my other aunt's house. That way, the call will be billed to my aunt. Me bad! Hehe! She more than deserves it, you know. Ooops.

Ah well, I'm not at all guilty for harboring such thoughts. I've had worse. I don't think I can write it all down here though. Let's just say it will make your skin crawl.

Nah, just kidding. She's still my aunt, however bad things may get. Besides, I think her suffering as a cancer patient will more than suffice as her punishment for all the things she did and said. Hehe! Ooops kidding!! You've probably deduced by now that she's not an easy person to live with. Or that I'm just a bitch. Well you're definitely right in both accounts. Hehe! Ah never mind. I'm probably bitter that I'll be offline for another week and it's just killing me, unable to blog and post and email. Life sucks.
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