loryces online

Definitely worth the three years wait. I read it over the course of two days -- nonstop -- so right now, my head hurts, my eyes are raw, and my butt's asleep. Got to get some exercise then.

Reading Harry Potter book 5 opened a lot of emotions I bottled up within me for the past 9 months. I cried over little things in the book. I kept on putting myself in Harry's shoes, thus, I was always angry during the time I read HP 5. I snapped at my grandma, I shouted at my cousins, I answered back at my aunt. Hehe. Me bad, I know. I can't help it. Oh well, read HP 5 and you'll get me. Haay the book is so full of angst (as JKR said in an interview) but it sure is the best book in the series so far. The story of Harry Potter is very close to me, more than Lord of the Rings I should say. I just realized it now, or rather when I was waiting in line in the bookstore, eager for part 5. Probably because of the kid in me (LOTR is a bit serious if you haven't noticed hehe). Can't wait for book 6 and 7.

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