loryces online
Paranoia Kicks In


Almost two years ago, I left my country with so much regret and unhappiness. At that time, I was so mad at my mom for ever forcing me to leave the Philippines and instead live here in the US. I never wanted this life in the first place anyway. I never wanted to come here. Never thought of it. Never imagined what it's like living here. Many people wanted it but not me. I was so angry with my mom for forcing her decision on me, angry with myself for not fighting for what I want, angry with the rest of the world because they seem so happy and I'm not. I kept thinking she's my mother yes, but she doesn't own me. She doesn't fuck1ng own me. I was pretty tired of that "mother knows best" bullsh1t. God, I hated all of it back then.

How about today you ask? Well I'm not sure. I'm not so sure about a lot of things these days. Everyday I feel I'm becoming more afraid but at the same time, a little bit, I dunno, at peace I guess. I'm really not sure why I'm having these feelings. I don't even know what the heck I'm talking about. Basta I'm afraid these days, that's for sure. I'm afraid that, when I come back, I might not know my friends anymore. That they won't see the old me but instead a totally different me (which sometimes I feel is a good thing because back then, I kind of felt that I'm nothing when I'm with them; maybe after years of not seeing each other, they'll come to respect me a bit). That they won't listen to what I wanted them to hear. That I won't know how to talk to them anymore. That they'll just be the "classmate ko sya nung college" or "barkada kami dati" type of people. It's hard losing the people you've trusted all these years. It's harder still to start building these foundations all over again.

Another thing that's been bothering me is the dreams I'm having of late. Well not really dreams but more like nightmare-ish flashes I get during the day. I kept having these snatches of things gone wrong with my family -- their supposed deaths, either a plane crash, a terrorist attack, or murder. For days, I wouldn't acknowledge it. All I can do is cry and cry and cry. I have no one to talk to. No one to hold me and tell me everything is okay back home. I'm afraid -- simple as that -- for my family, for the chance to see them again. I feel guilty for the simple fact that I'm here and they are hundreds of miles away from me.

Am I scaring you yet? I'm nearly done, don't worry. Anyway, how bout being at peace you ask? Well, it's just that the realization of what I'm currently doing finally hit me. I realized that I kind of like it here. I can imagine myself living my old days here in the US. Buying books in Barnes & Noble, driving along I-94, going into real estate business, having snow instead of rain, eating Krispy Kreme instead of Mister Donut. I don't mind experiening them at all. For weeks, I denied the feeling. It's like betraying the very being of who I am or abandoning the principles I have held onto for years. Does that make sense to you? I hope so. If you ask me to make it plainer, I swear you'd make my head hurt. Merely thinking about these things makes me feel like I'm on a plane taking off.

The burden (of the Ring) is finally getting to me, methinks. Fear, guilt, responsibility -- I'm turning into Gollum right before my eyes.


I think I need either a strong shot of brandy or one really good and long conversation from someone who wouldn't think I'm joking... or serious.

4 comment(s):
At 5:35 AM, Blogger u l a n commented...

I think that your anxiety stems simply from the fact that you love your family and you care about how they are. It's just natural, I guess :)

And the peace comes from liking who you are and where you are (as in where you are in your life right now, as well as where you are _literally_)

I'm glad for you, Laurice. I've been waiting for you to say that you like it there. =) Can't wait to hear more about the new friends you'll be making there.

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Unknown commented...

I agree with Ulan. Remember what Romina said?

Liking it there does not mean you don't like it here. Making new friends there does not mean forgetting your old friends here. It's not like you have to choose between the two. All you need to do is feel comfortable wherever you are, learn to adjust and still be yourself.

Easy for me to say but hard for you to do. I know. But you see, we all change and grow even if we're together or we're far apart. We just need to learn how to explore the world and at the same time, hold on to your memories. Not all of us will have that opportunity.

Hey, if I could afford it, I would love to spend a day with you. Miss you a lot! :)

At 1:31 AM, Blogger Jax commented...

No worries, hon. It's evolution. Change is never bad. Besides, nothing in life is certain. It's ok to be scared. Just don't let that fear stop you from doing what you want.

I'll be praying for you, girl! :)

At 8:19 PM, Blogger loryces commented...

thanks guys!


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