Saturday, December 28
I miss going to the cinema. Especially when the Lord of the Rings was released. I have no one to talk to. I miss watching it with a Tolkien fanatic beside me. Or just someone to whom I could explain LOTR. But I think I'm content on just bringing my cousins to explore Middle Earth. They are slowly learning. They know the Nine Walkers. Whenever they see a man with a beard, a staff, and long robe, they exclaim "Gandalf!" Even when they saw Dumbledore in Harry Potter. Or the wizard in Willow. They called him "mini-Gandalf." Another time, my aunt told her youngest son to go see if Lola is eating. You know what he did? He dropped to the ground and said, "Wait, let me hear her," just like what Aragorn did when he was tracking the Uruk-hais. Ahh, I've never been so proud.
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