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A stroll around the neighborhood...

new house old house

The one on the left is the new house; the one on the right is the old one, where we (my family) will be staying once they migrate next year.

the sidewalk

This is the sidewalk. (It just amuses me that I took a picture of our sidewalk. La lang.) Anyway I'm planning to take a picture of it during fall, winter, and spring. I just think it's nice to capture the sidewalk every season (uh-huh nerdy moment there). Actually my plan was to take a picture of our street but I'm painfully shy. I hope tomorrow I can bravely go in the middle of the street and take that blasted shot. I just think it's cool to have a memento of it during summer (By now, you must think I'm very weird. Don't worry. I do too.)

Next project, the different road signs.

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