The hunt for the
plagiarist of the year is still on. Many people have joined the cause, including me. As a reader and as a blogger, we should be informed about this issue, not only to look for each other's backs (and blogs) but to also protect what's rightfully ours. At first, I really was being apathetic towards this plagiarism thing. I mean, I just couldn't care less if she steals my posts or anything like that. My initial reaction was "So who cares?" Yeah I
was that indifferent. But then I visited
three of her victims and I felt so bad for them. They painstakingly wrote (or typed) and edited their posts just to offer something new to their readers, to the blogging community and yet they were brazenly cheated. It just didn't feel right that I was reading their posts on someone else's site without the necessary credits. It's just... WRONG. Anyway certain people have taken action towards resolving this incident (and eradicating the plagiarist, I should say hehe). Kudos to them! Visit
their site for more information towards the "Bring Keiko Down" campaign. Remember if you're not part of a solution, then you're part of the problem. Now where did I get that?!
On a side note (not that I'm a war freak or anything) I'm just kind of exhilarated (for lack of a better word) about this incident. My belligerent side is somehow satisfied.
Even my friend is hungry for more news about this. He's got a crush on Keiko methinks. Haha.
A friend of mine asked me why am I so disturbed about getting older. Actually I don't. Really. As a matter of fact, I would wish to have the insights of a thirty- or even a forty-year old (yun lang ha). From my POV, it seems that everything in my life is going in the wrong direction -- hmm make that in one direction, down the drain. It's either caused by my decisions... or the lack of it. Plus the fact that I'm not going anywhere in life and yet I'm friggin' 23 irks me to no end. It's just not fair. I want to move on and do something but I don't know how. Or maybe I do. I'm just too impatient.
Oh yeah before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!
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