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The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

Aside from Catcher in the Rye, I think this is my first take on reading a non-scifi/fantasy material; and so far I'm on Chapter 5. And you know what, I started it last week. Not that it's boring; far from it. It keeps you glued to your seat from start to finish (from what I heard and read). But heck, whenever I'm reading it, I can't sit still. The author describes the scenes so vividly I wanted to be part of Susie's world and rip the killer apart with my bare hands. And when I'm through thinking of ways in making the killer pay for what he did, I cry my eyes out 'til I can't see what I'm reading. That's why I'm still on Chapter 5. It's a one-day-one-chapter book for me. Pain in my chest, tears in my eyes, watery discharge from my nose (sipon) -- some signs I watch out when reading these types of books. Sigh. Now I know why I tend to read fantasy/sci-fi materials. At least I don't cry as much when I'm reading them.

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