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Sweets in Diets, Pwede Ba?

Why can't I be one of those people who don't like chocolates or any sweet foods for that matter?? Or-- or those people who can eat 6 burgers in one meal and not gain a pound?? I hate it when I have to think of what's good to eat, what not to eat, how many calories are there per serving, etc. Grrr. Whenever I [try to] diet, I always end up feeling cheated and not to mention, bloated. And after that, I tend to eat more than what's healthy for me. Just last week, my appetite has skyrocketed to proportions I never thought possible. Especially for sweet foods. I felt so depressed and repressed at the same time: for wanting those damn sweets and for the fact that I know I shouldn't indulge myself. sigh. Anyway this week, I'm trying this trick I know I should have done before: whenever I crave for sweet nothings, I'm going to eat fruits. I hope my craving for sweets will somehow be appeased. I hope too that I'll be able to stick to it for a loooong time.

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