Synopsis from IMDB: The Village depicts the thrilling tale of an isolated town confronting the astonishing truth that lies just outside its borders. At first glance, this village seems picture perfect, but this close-knit community lives with the frightening knowledge that creatures reside in the surrounding woods. The evil and foreboding force is so unnerving that none dare venture beyond the borders of the village and into the woods. But when curious, headstrong Lucius Hunt plans to step beyond the boundaries of the town and into the unknown, his bold move threatens to forever change the future of the village.
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I watched "The Village" earlier and I must say it's one of Shyamalan's best film yet, plot-wise that is.
What with the film's spooky trailers and ultra-secretive marketing, one could only watch the movie out of curiosity. Well I dont think your money's going to waste. This film delivers it, unless of course you never enjoyed Shyamalan's other films. Much like "Unbreakable," the way Shyamalan wove the story is definitely amazing. He makes you believe that you got it all figured it out only to surprise you with a totally wicked twist, totally not what you would expect, given the story he's been giving us for the last hour and a half. The story is set up about the relationship between the creatures and the village: what are these creatures, why are they breaking the truce, why wont the villagers do something, cant they get help from nearby towns, etc. He made us think that that's all there is to it--a typical horror movie. We were played like a lyre. Not until the last 10 or 15 minutes did it become clear. Weird concept but hey it worked. Excellent story-telling and camera work! The movie was really great. Adrian Brody and Joaquin Phoenix were amazing! Even Ron Howard's daughter did a terrific job. Ok talaga tong movie na to.
BTW Shyamalan might produce and direct Yann Martel's Life of Pi. Cool.
The last movie I saw was Catwoman, and I saw it not because of Ms. Berry but because of Ms. Sharon Stone. Yes, I'm also looking forward to the Village. I just don't know when it will open here. Collateral opens next Wednesday here so I guess I'll watch that if I have time. I'm a fan of Mr. Night myself, having been impressed with the 6th sense, unbreakable and the signs. I was disappointed with "signs" though; I thought it was more of a comedy than a horror film. Thanks for the review. I will definitely try to watch the village.
I will definitely watch this. I never missed a Shyamalan movie yet and I am not going to miss this one. :)
doc emer: same here. was very disappointed with signs too although i love unbreakable. natuwa ako sa ending eh. :)
karen: yeah you'd better not miss it. you'll love it! :)
I LOVE THE VILLAGE! Definitely one of the best films I've seen this year.
Though not as scary as many might expect, it is, however, well-plotted, suspenseful, and sociologically thought-provoking. In this time of crime and terror, one might do anything just to escape this horrible reality. ONe might remake his world into a "perfect" albeit limited one---where borders are not to be breached and non-existent "carnivorous" creatures keep him from the greater evils beyond the woods.
yeah me too! i love this movie! although some people are not thrilled about it. :( oh well.
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