loryces online
Musings on a Wednesday Night

If a person who constantly reads books is called a bookworm, what do you call a person who constantly listens to books on tapes? A tapeworm perhaps?

Why do we call unmarried men as bachelors but unmarried women as spinsters or old maids? That is so unfair.

Men can parade as slobs and women (some anyway) are still attracted to them. If women are slobs, men won't give them the time of day. Hmm.

Why do some Pinoys in the US stab their fellow Pinoys in the back? What do they get from doing it?

Is getting ahead in life a competition? Why do people treat it as such? Furthermore, why the need to feel superior to other people?

Isip pa ko.

4 comment(s):
At 3:36 PM, Blogger Becky commented...

Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

Why, when someone yells 'heads up!', does everyone duck?

Why does an 'innie' belly button pop out when you're pregnant, but not when you're fat?

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Dr. Emer commented...

Have you heard of Pinoys reporting their fellow Pinoy TNTs to the INS people there? They do it for the money.

Tapeworm is good. You are a cestode. :)

Yes, life is always a competition. People treat it as such because that's how they are also treated. As I've said before, people with no real talent (they're plenty, believe me) are insecure. They will always be bullies.

Men always see women as their inferior. I also used to think like that until I graduated from medschool. Then I realized that that was the biggest fallacy. Women were, and are, the stronger sex.

Yes, I'm also baffled why some women get attracted to men who act like slobs. Evolution must've gone awry somehow. Hehehe. :)

Why do you call the flyover a 'flyover' when vehicles do not really fly over it? Hahaha. Masaya pala ito. :)

At 6:26 PM, Blogger loryces commented...

becky: hi! thanks for visiting! :)

Have you heard of Pinoys reporting their fellow Pinoy TNTs to the INS people there? They do it for the money.
>>> ganun ba? tsk, tsk. i just hope, for once, it won't be about money. i guess i'm just a naive idealist.

Tapeworm is good. You are a cestode. :)
>>> hahaha!

Yes, life is always a competition. People treat it as such because that's how they are also treated. As I've said before, people with no real talent (they're plenty, believe me) are insecure. They will always be bullies.
>>> i guess you're right. :(

Men always see women as their inferior. I also used to think like that until I graduated from medschool. Then I realized that that was the biggest fallacy. Women were, and are, the stronger sex.
>>> thank you, thank you! :)

Yes, I'm also baffled why some women get attracted to men who act like slobs. Evolution must've gone awry somehow. Hehehe. :)
>>> yes it has. hehe.

Why do you call the flyover a 'flyover' when vehicles do not really fly over it? Hahaha. Masaya pala ito. :)
>>> onga, bakit nga?!

At 1:50 AM, Blogger Tanya commented...

tapeworm! maybe nga noh? heheeh!

it's the other filipino trait that we have.. crab mentality. ergh!


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