loryces online
Time's up!

My three-week-vacation is almost up (gak!) and I haven't done anything. My lecture notes and clinical stuff are strewn all over my room. I need to collate, categorize, and compile my notes in time for the boards. I also need to scan and read my books because, truthfully, I forgot most of what I learned last year, even last semester. My books (for summer reading) remain untouched by the nightstand. I want to at least finish 10 books before classes start next week (I'm up to my fourth one). Plus I haven't even changed my template, or my friends' for that matter. Sigh. I need more time.

Anyway I tried revamping my site yesterday and I almost cried in despair because none of the CSS codes are familiar to me. Huhu. I need a refresher but who's got the time? I promised my friend I'll make her another template and I haven't delivered yet. Sigh.

Aw shucks. I just remembered! I have to contact driving schools within the week and study for that blasted constitution exam the school is requiring us (non-US citizens) to take! Argh. It's the little things that make us crazy, I tell ya!

1 comment(s):
At 8:51 PM, Blogger Unknown commented...

ok breathe... breathe... think... this too shall pass... :)


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