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A New Year Comes

Happy New Year!!!

There's no substitue for celebrating New Year with your family, complete with dinner and sharing fireworks. There's no substitute of waking up in the morning of January 1 with a fog-like atmosphere and a parade welcoming the dawn of the new year. Somehow I miss all that -- and I never thought I did -- not when I experienced New Year here. There are no fireworks, no family dinners, nothing whatsoever. Most of my friends are offline so I had no one to talk to. Well most of them anyway. I'm glad I chatted with a friend earlier. It made the waiting for New Year bearable. Ah yes I almost forgot. I also got to talk to some of my college friends today, over the phone!!! They were friends that never left me, never pushed me away, and never judged me so of course, they are my first priority when I'm lucky enough to have the phone (and a phonecard) all to myself. Heehee. There's nothing funnier (and heartwarming) than friends who are overjoyed to hear your voice that they'll spill their guts to you, if you just let them. Got to talk to my family today too. Haay miss ko na sila sobra. They had some bad news, more of health problems actually, that I know will leave me wide-eyed later, unable to forget and sleep. Sigh.

Anyway, no resolutions for me this year. They ended up being tramped anyway. I'd prefer a goal list. It's more realistic and have better chances of being achieved than making up a list of resolutions. And I tell you, I'm hell bent on attaining these goals.

My GOALS for the year 2004:

1. I will have a job (even as a student employee).

2. I will learn how to drive.

3. I will lose ** lbs (or more) by Christmas 2004.

4. I will be more health-conscious.

5. I will be more outgoing and sociable towards strangers and old friends/classmates.

Erm have to think of more.

Now give me a week or so and I will make them SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound) and functional. Oops sorry, it's a PT thing.