loryces online
Weird Stuff

Just want to share some stuff I found while browsing the net (which made me laugh and cringe at the same time):

The Boyfriend Pillow
Haha! A stuffed headless torso with an arm that curls around the sleeper -- I think I want one. Not that I'm desperate, mind you. Anyway according to Gizmo, "they've eliminated all the sounds and smells of the standard boyfriend and have even added an alarm clock which gently shakes the arm when it's time to get up." Haha! I really must shake the hands of the person who invented this.

Sushi USB
Found this via Neil Gaiman's journal. Apparently, he was amused by a sushi-shaped USB. Well who wouldn't be?

Aquariass anyone?

Now this is just totally bizarre. Why would anyone want to buy an aquarium-slash-toilet (hence Aquariass)? Just plain wacko, if you ask me. Somehow, you get the feeling you're being watched. Hehe.

Know some other weird stuff people are selling? Send them in! I'd like to be amused.

5 comment(s):
At 1:31 PM, Blogger lifecafe commented...

the boyfriend pillow is freaky ... but that alarm function in ingenius. haha!

the sushi usb is funny.

the aquariass is just plain weird. i wonder what those poor little fish did to be forced to forever watch tushies and ... stuff. hehe.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger u l a n commented...

nyar, nakakapraning yung pillow. i saw that on someone's blog dati din. di ko ata kaya, parang may kasama kang bangkay!

At 12:22 AM, Blogger Nikki commented...

check out popgadget.com :) they usually have the latest on the weird/cool/crazy gadgets (geared towards the female audience). wala lang...

At 3:11 PM, Blogger loryces commented...

Boris: i have no idea. i hope not.

Lifecafe: i like the boyfriend pillow hehe pero freaky nga. yep i agree, the aquariass is just wacko.

Ulan: haha! =)

Nikki: thanks! it's a cool site. :)

At 11:38 PM, Blogger Nikki commented...

whoops..sorry. popgadget.net pala. sorry po.


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