loryces online
Random Thoughts for the Week

I really WANT to procrastinate. Just lie in my bed, with a non-academic book in one hand and a hot cup of chocolate in the other. Or spend some time in front of the computer, check my emails and mailing lists, browse the net for whatever, and chat with my best buds. Oh wait. That's what I'm doing right now. Hehe. Pero seryoso, ang sarap magprocrastinate but unfortunately I can't afford to. A paper due on Monday, an exam sometime next week, a clinical preparation sheet on Wednesday, a care plan on Thursday, and a (stupid) debate on Friday -- I don't think so. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

My sister is currently experiencing what I had experienced when I was still under my parents' care. I hate my parents for doing that to her. It's enough that I had to go through life having been subjected to whatever it is, but please not her or my brother. I feel helpless, not being able to offer anything other than the factory-assembled, sorry excuse for comforting words but that's all I can tell her right now. So much for being an older sister. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

I hate debates. I hate preparing for them. I hate speaking in front of a class. I just don't see the point of having one. Absolutely pointless and senseless. I hate debates! Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

3 comment(s):
At 2:50 PM, Blogger Dr. Emer commented...

Tungkol saan ang debate mo? Ok yan mag-procrastinate. Peborit hobby ko din yan, kaya nga lang the deadlines always ruin my brief periods of enjoyment. :)

At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous commented...

lol... i didn't really get much o.o because I'm dead tired. anyway, thanks for visiting my site too ^^ Hope you do well on your debate. And I agree that procrastinating can be really fun at times... but very much hell afterwards, indeed =.= you'd be having the hassle to keep up with your work then...

At 11:52 PM, Blogger loryces commented...

dr emer: my debate is about abortion. yeah i know--UGH. anyway tapos na. not as bad as i thought it would be pero kakakaba nevertheless. :D

theresa: very much hell indeed!! i'm trying to get it out of my system but we'll see how long that resolve will last. LOL.


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