Before I start my post, let me indulge myself with some few calming breaths. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Okay I'm ready. But wait. Notice any differences with the site? Here's a clue: look at my wishlist, the aptly titled "my preciousss" box. Kita mo na? Yep your eyes aren't deceiving you. I BOUGHT THE LOTR FOSSIL WATCH!!! I can't believe it myself!!! Aaaack!!! I'll tell you the whole story ha!! It's a bit amusing and I really want to share it with you. Okay, here it goes. Months ago, TORN posted this news about a limited Collector's edition of a LOTR Fossil watch, with just 3000 pieces in stock. Of course at that time, like many other droolicious Tolkien stuff, I know I had to pass over this collectible. All I can do is watch it disappear and despair over it. I just had to content myself in reading and re-reading it over Fossil's official site. But then I decided to research more about Fossil and their locations, especially domestic ones. There's not a lot of malls that has Fossil booths; those that are nearby anyway. I finally found one that my aunt mentioned to me in passing -- the Woodfield Mall. I committed it to memory, thinking that I could go there one day when I can bravely drive for more than 10 miles, provided of course the watch is still there. Either that or wait for a chance to go there. But since it's out of the way, I never found a chance. Anyway, this week, my uncle's cousin came here from the Philippines. My aunt toured her within Chicago's finest sights and malls. I never went with them though. Yeah, a lot of good moments to practice taking pictures; not to mention, sights to see. But I'm risking my digicam so I passed up those tours. Oops, I'm digressing. Anyway, today's her last day so they decided to grab the chance and buy more pasalubongs -- in Woodfield Mall. My aunt asked me if I wanted to come; of course, I immediately agreed. My aunt was surprised because like I told you, I never went with them during their tours. So gulat sya at biglang oo ako. As soon as we arrived at the mall, I immediately looked at the mall directory to find out where the Fossil store is. Armed with subtlety and kakapalan ng mukha, I steered our tour into finding out where it is. When we found it, I was so elated at the thought of finally looking at the LOTR watch in the flesh. Without a sideway or backward glance to the other merchandise, I began my search for the much-coveted collectible. At last, I found it!!! I badly wanted to touch and wear the watch but alas, I was too shy to ask the saleslady for assistance. I just kept on circling and circling the store and coming back to the counter where the watch was displayed. Much to my chagrin, the saleslady noticed. Hehe. So she decided to help me out and offerred that I could, indeed hold the watch. Grabe when I held it in my palms, I can literally hear the music "Alleluia, A-L-L-E-L-U-L-I-A!" playing in my head. I also showed it to my cousins and aunt. Like me, they were awed. It was my aunt who asked me if I wanted to buy it. Heck of course I want to buy it!! But it was too expensive, even for Fossil. But then she reasoned that it's a collectible and that certain watch is the last piece in the store so I should go ahead and buy it. Needless to say, I did. Or my aunt did. I just told her I'm going to pay for it back at the house (or so I thought). The rest of the trip was a blur. Really. All I could think of was the watch in my hand. I was ecstatic... exhilirated... seventh, no make that ninth heaven (pun intended -- you know, nine for the Nine Walkers). I felt I could never be happier. I was wrong.
After our shopping spree in Woodfield, we decided to go to Borders and use my cousin's gift card. Wow. Ganda ng Borders. I miss going to bookstores like this. The smell of new books, the feel, the sight... wow. Anyway my first stop was the Science Fiction genre -- and lo!! A jaw-dropping, saliva-drooling sight. Tolkien books everywhere. Even hard to find books. Different editions of the literary masterpiece. Audiobooks. Trading card games. Board games. A sight to behold definitely. I know I'm known as tending to exaggerate stories but this time, exaggeration has no room. I'm telling it as it is. I've never seen a gathering of Tolkien merchandise as big as this. Naglaway talaga ako. Remember this pic? Guys and gals, wala syang binatbat. Proof? Here it is.

There are at least 3 more shelves dedicated to Tolkien stuff in the Borders bookstore we went to. O di ba?!

Ack!! She didn't let me pay for it!!!! Grabe!!! She spent a lot in treating our visitor out in malls and restaurants and now she even sort of treated me out because of the items I bought and she paid for. I can't let this happen!!! I can't!!! But I did. Sabi nya, it's because she always ask me to do things for her (read: laging nauutusan) so it's like a gift pero hellooo!! That's pretty okay with me. I mean, it's okay really for her to order me around. Yes I complain but it doesn't mean it's not ok with me. I'm a pal -- palamunin -- so I don't mind being ordered around. It's the least I can do for them. But I just said thank you and vowed silently to do all the things they asked me to do. *sigh* Hiya ako...
On a sidenote: One of the things that entered my mind after she refused my payment was "Sana bumili na rin ako ng Illustrated Silmarillion." Hehe kupal talaga.
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